Humanities And Arts Academy Of Los Angeles

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Our School » Harts Way Expectations & Policies

Harts Way Expectations & Policies

Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the student to attend school regularly, to show conscientious effort in classroom work, and to follow school rules and regulations. Most of all, the student shares with the administration and staff the responsibility to develop a climate within the school that is safe and conducive to effective learning. No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students.


To fulfill this responsibility the student will:

1. Respect and protect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and everyone else involved in the educational process;
2. Practice academic honesty (See Academic Honesty Policy below);
3. Express ideas and opinions in a respectful manner, which does not offend or slander others;
4. Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and abide by them;
5. Be willing to assist in investigations and resolutions of disciplinary offenses;
6. Dress and groom so as to meet the standards established by the HArts Dress and Grooming Guidelines;
7. Assist the school staff in running a safe school for all students;
8. Assume that until a rule is waived or altered it is in full effect;
9. Be aware of state and local laws and comply with them;
10. Protect and take care of school property;
11. Attend school daily and be on time to all classes and other school functions;
12. Make up work when absent or suspended from school following established guidelines.

Dress Code Policy

Students will dress appropriately for school as described in the LAUSD’s Board Policy. Students will recognize that school is a place of business and that they must respect the dress code policy.



  • No clothing, backpacks, or hats that suggest a gang affiliation, has inappropriate logos including graffiti style language/logos, carries an inappropriate message (words or images that are offensive, vulgar, derogatory towards individuals or groups of people, or that promote or advertise illegal products or activities), does not provide appropriate coverage, or detracts from the academic environment.
  • Undergarments shall not be visible.
  • No revealing clothing. Students shall not wear sheer blouses, bare midriff or revealing tank tops, tube tops, open backed shirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, or low-cut necklines. Short skirts and short shorts are not allowed. Shorts and skirts must be at least half way down the thigh. Leggings or tights must be covered by shorts, dress, or skirt.
  • No sagging pants, wallet chains, hanging belts, or hats/clothing with inappropriate language or logos.
  • Hats or hoods may not be worn in class.
  • Earbuds and earphones may not be worn in class unless given express permission by your instructor.

Policy on Profanity

As a violation of Education Code Section 48900, profanity will result in the following consequences:

  • Referral to the Principal or Dean for consequences that include detention, parent conference, or in school suspension. Of course, it is our hope through discussion and diligence, the consequences associated with the above infractions will not have to be initiated.

Cell Phone Policy

The LAUSD policy which can be found on page six of the LAUSD Parent and Student Handbook (2021-22) reads as follows “It is the policy of LA Unified to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic mobile device by students on campus during normal school hours.”


All students will be asked to check in their cell phone at the beginning of each class. The phones will be kept in a secure location and returned to the students at the end of each period.


Students who refuse to check their phone in will be directed to the principal’s or dean’s office where their phone will be held for the day.


The goal of this policy update is to improve student focus on academic coursework, improve student mental and emotional health, increase student to student interactions and improve the overall culture of HArts Academy. Thank you for your support and understanding regarding this matter.


Food Deliveries on Campus 

Per LAUSD’s visitor policy (BUL-6492.2), no student food deliveries are allowed. This includes all food delivery services (UBER Eats, GrubHub , ETC). Any food delivered to the campus will be confiscated by staff and NOT RETURNED to the student.

HArts Academic Honesty Policy

HArts is a community, and like all communities, we function best when all members treat each other with respect, trust, fairness, and honesty. Students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against all members of our community. The well-being of the school community depends on each student’s accepting responsibility for his or her personal conduct in both social and academic endeavors.


HArts supports the concept of students working and learning in groups. Students must be aware there is a distinction between group work with collaboration vs. individual work with cheating.


Even when students are collaborating in a group setting they are expected to give credit for ideas developed by another student. Students take information they gather in a group setting, question the information, analyze it, synthesize it, and reiterate it in their own words to show their own personal understanding of the idea. Copying verbatim is dishonest.


Examples of violations of the Academic Honesty Code include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, multiple submissions, and collusion.

  • Cheating, includes but not limited to, copying homework, copying from another student during a test, passing answers during a test, bringing materials for tests that are not permitted such as notes, presenting another person’s work as your own, changing exam answers after it has been corrected and returning the exam for more credit.
  • Plagiarism, includes but is not limited to, presenting others ideas as your own without crediting the source.
  • Fabrication, includes but is not limited to, falsification or invention of any information or data in an academic exercise.
  • Multiple submissions, includes but is not limited to, the resubmission by a student of any work which had been previously submitted for credit in another class without the informed permission of the instructor of the second class.
  • Collusion includes but is not limited to, intentionally helping another student perform any act of academic dishonesty.

Student Responsibility

Every Student:

  • is responsible for knowing the academic honesty policy.
  • is expected to refrain from committing violations.
  • must refuse to aid or abet any form of academic dishonesty.
  • is expected to report a violation to the teacher and/or administration.
  • has the right to appeal; however, in the case of an appeal, students should evaluate the evidence against them. Students should be cognizant of the fact that lying could result in more severe punishment.


Tagging is vandalism, and anyone caught doing so faces possible suspension and/or arrest. Bringing markers, paint markers, anything to etch with, or other tagging materials to school is prohibited and may result in suspension.